It’s easier to clean dry spills such as from powdery substances like salt. Solid dry foods are also simple to deal with. Large chunks of food can be easily picked up with tissue or paper towel. The rest can be vacuumed up and removed from the rug.
Liquid spills can be watery, oily or sticky. For small messes use paper towel and dab at the edges of the stain. Slowly work your way inward to the center area. You can apply baking soda to quickly dry up the stains in you require it.
For larger stains use paper towel once more to dab at the edges of the stain. You don’t want to let the rug stain soak into the rug. This is why you should use larger sections of paper towel and quick dabs to absorb the most of the spill. Allow the rug to dry and use baking soda to speed up the process if necessary.
Professional rug cleaning can help remove food stains from your rug. Toronto rug cleaners will remove all sorts of stains from your rug as well as providing thorough cleaning. Food stains need proper cleaning to avoid attracting pests and mould.
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