Monday 20 February 2017

Treating Grass On Rugs

Grass stains often happen to clothes but they can also happen to rugs. Most grass stains are caused by pets and young children when they enter the house after coming from outside. These types of grass stains can be hard to remove from the rug without professional assistance. If you want to try home remedies there are a few you can try.

It’s important to try to treat rugs stains as soon as you notice them. Fresh stains are much easier to remove than older stains. For simple grass stain removal mix a solution with a quarter teaspoon of mild laundry detergent and a cup of cold water. First, wet a paper towel in the solution and dab the edges of the grass stain.

Dab a small area slowly and see if the solution isn’t altering your rug. If there is no change dab slowly from the outer edges of the rug stain towards its center. Don’t rub the stain or over soak the rug with the rug cleaning solution. The rug grass stain should be slowly coming out of the rug and on to the paper towel.

If you are having a hard time with the grass stain you should stop and seek a professional rug cleaner. Toronto rug cleaners are experts with handling rug stains. If you have questions or concerns a professional rug cleaner can assist you. To protect your rug it’s important that you send it out for expert rug cleaning care once a year.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Rugs and young puppies

When it comes to getting a new pet it’s important to be aware of the additional maintenance your rugs need. The smaller or younger the dog there more it’s likely to accidentally pee on your rugs. Pets also shed a good amount of fur and dander.

It’s important to put a rubber under-pad beneath your rug and the floor. This protects the floor and can help keep your rug in place as well. Hardwood floors will absorb liquids and marble floors can be discoloured because of the acidity of puppy pee. Porcelain or ceramic tiles are resistant to damage and are fine to have under the rug.

It’s important to select a rug that is easy to maintain. Darker tones are suggested for rugs because any stains that occur won’t be as noticeable. Synthetic rugs are also suggested because their rug pile doesn’t readily absorb liquids and are easier to clean.

Short pile rugs are a good investment because fur doesn’t tangle into the fibers as much. The short rug pile makes it easier to vacuum and remove fur and pet dander. It’s also important to have your rugs cleaned professionally once a year.

There are Toronto rug cleaners available to assist you with your rug cleaning needs. Professional rug cleaning will thoroughly remove any fur and dirt that has settled into the rug. It also helps disinfect the rug from bacteria caused by the pet pee. Eco-friendly rug cleaning is available to care for the environment as well as your pet’s health.  

Saving you rugs from the Ottoman Empire

When it comes to your rugs you need to protect them from Ottoman furniture and regular furniture. It goes without saying that your rugs will have furniture placed on them. This can be anything from beds, office chairs, coffee tables, desks and other varieties of furniture.

The problem with your furniture on rugs is that it will either flatten rug pile or rub against it when it shifts. The latter will show significant breakage and the rug will thin in these areas overtime. These damages can be prevented by taking a few simple measures.

The best way to protect your rugs is to have a shock absorbing under pad beneath your rug. This will prevent furniture from pressing too hard into your rug. It can also prevent furniture from shifting from its regular place. This under pad will also protect your rug from mechanical pressure caused by foot traffic.

It’s important to periodically rotate your furniture and fluff the flatten rug pile underneath it. This allows the rug pile to breathe and prevents it from breakage or being permanently bent at an odd angle.

Having your rug professionally cleaned annually can renew rug pile. Toronto rug cleaners have excellent cleaning methods to renew your rug material. Annual professional rug cleaning can help nourish and protect rug pile.

Eco-friendly rug cleaning can also assist you with rug cleaning. Green cleaning your rug will prevent exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals. Toronto rug cleaners often have rug pick-up and delivery services to better assist you and your schedule.  

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Rug Flood Care

Flooding can catch you off guard and is an urgent issue. When the flood water is dealt with items such as rugs need to be cared for to prevent lasting damage. There are important steps to take depending on the location and time of year.

First you should call and arrange a rug pick up by a professional rug company. Be sure to mention that the rug needs cleaning because of flood water. It’s best to have your rug picked up within three days or mould problems can start.

Don’t roll up or bunch the rug. The material needs to be kept well ventilated and it should be covered. If you have more than one rug, don’t layer then on top of each other. This can cause bleeding of the wet material to transfer onto other rugs.

If you are located in a house there are two areas you can place the rug. If it’s summer place the rug outside to be hung over a railing or stretched out on a flat surface. If it’s winter, place the rug lying flat in the garage. The colder temperature will prevent pest growth.

There are Toronto rug cleaners who can help clean your rugs after flood damage. Expert rug cleaners will know the exact measures to use to care for your rugs. Toronto rug cleaning will be able to answer all your rug cleaning questions as well. Your rug should be returned to you in a perfect clean condition. Professional rug cleaners can save your rugs.

Rugs and Art supplies

Artists work with different art mediums that can be messy. When you have a rug at your workshop or desk it can accumulate all sorts of powders and paint. It’s useful knowing the different ways you can deal with the art mediums without causing permanent damage to your carpets.

Powders and art debris such as small pieces of paper and pencil shavings are quite straight forward when it comes to cleaning. These types of messes can be easily removed by vacuuming your rugs. Large amounts of powdery substances such as saw dust or chalk can damage vacuums. Therefore only smaller messes can be vacuumed up.

Oil based or waxy art supplies require different management when they come in contact with your rug. Oil based supplies can be dabbed with paper towel and will take time to dry on their own. Wax should be crushed gently in order not to damage the rug pile. The wax that comes loose can be vacuumed up.

Acrylic or water based paint is less likely to permanently stain your rugs. Again the stain can be dabbed with paper towel. Be careful not to accidentally spread the stain on your carpet. To get any art stains or caste off out of your rug it requires professional rug cleaning.

There are Toronto rug cleaners that can assist with cleaning art supply based dirt out of your rugs. Experienced rug cleaners have knowledge about getting different stains out of rugs. They can assist you with all your rug cleaning needs.  

Common rug odors and how to deal with them

Overtime with regular use your rugs can acquire a smell. This can be from a number of sources and it’s important to recognize the different ones. It’s also useful to know how they occur to prevent the smell from coming back. In most cases smells are preventable.

Some smells are obvious but others are very slight. To test if your rug is emitting a smell, it should be noticeable when you crouch near you rug. Another way to test is by rubbing a paper towel on a section of the rug and examining it.

Rugs smells are commonly caused by bacteria. Bacteria can be from dirty socks and feet. They can also accumulate if food crumbs and other stains happen to the rug. Bacteria usually emit a sour smell. This can be managed by not eating on the rug and not placing it where people change their shoes.

Musty rug odors come from dust and possible mould. Mould occurs when there is excess moisture and not enough air circulations. The damp conditions cause optimal conditions for mould. To prevent mould invest in an air filter that controls the amount of humidity in the air.

Musty smells can occur because of dirt that has settled into the rug. It could be a sign that your rugs are ready for annual cleaning with a rug care professional. Toronto rug cleaning can handle all your rug cleaning needs. Their professional rug cleaning methods will thoroughly clean your rug so that no odor remain with it.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The best rugs for book lovers

All book lovers have their favorite places to read. Whether it’s a eBook or a traditional book comfort matters while you are reading for long periods of time. For many book lovers sitting or lying on a rug could be their favorite way to read.

Many book lovers love reading on a rug in front of a fireplace on a cold winter night. The rug material makes all the difference to comfort while we’re reading. This is why it’s important to invest in soft plush rugs for this activity.

Rugs come in different materials and you want to avoid rugs that irritate your skin. This can be from the material being too thin and it won’t protect you from hard flooring under the rug.  Coarse rugs will rub unpleasantly against the skin as well.

Rugs with soft material can be made from silk, wool, cotton or synthetic material. You also want the rugs to be thick in order to put an adequate layer between you and the hard floor.

Nothing can make your reading session more unpleasant than a dirty rug. Your rugs needs professional rug cleaning once a year . Toronto rug cleaners have experts to help you with all your rug cleaning needs.

Professional rug cleaner will give your rugs a deep cleaning. There are rug pick up and delivery services any available. Many Toronto rug cleaners offer a discount for rolling up your rugs before pick up. Proper rug cleaning prevents pests such as bacteria and dust mites.

Rug cleaner after your next social event

Food based accidents usually happen at social events. With proper food spill management the stains that occur don’t have to be a permanent feature of your rug. Food stains are important to deal with so your rug doesn’t attract pests, bacteria and moulds. Stain management depends on the type of food.

Dry food is the easiest to manage because it doesn’t get absorbed by the rug material. Larger chunks of dry food can simply be picked up and discarded. Solid dry powdery food and crumbs can be vacuumed up quickly. Vacuuming prevents the food particles from settling into the rug.

Liquid food spills are a bit trickier to deal with. Synthetic rugs don’t readily absorb liquid into their rug material. This makes them ideal to use with social events. All liquid spills are usually dealt with in a similar fashion.

Use paper towel to dab the liquid spill. Don’t use water or other cleaning remedies because they can end up spreading the rug stain and damaging the rug. Dab up what you can with paper towel. If the stain is large you may want to speed up the drying process with baking powder.

Your rug should be sent out for annual professional rug cleaning. Professional rug cleaning is the only way to get your rugs properly clean. Expert rug cleaners can deal with most food stains. There are Toronto rug cleaning services available to fit your rug cleaning needs. Eco-friendly rug cleaning packages are available as well.  

Tuesday 7 February 2017

A guide to vacuum cleaning components and features

There are a lot of different features available for rug cleaning on your vacuum. The variety can be overwhelming. It’s important to know the useful and basic components that come with a basic vacuum. This will allow to you to get the most out of your vacuum.

The brush-roll setting on your vacuum is useful for removing hair, fur and other fibers from your rugs. The brush roll feature is also effective in removing dirt that is trapped at the base of the rug. This removed more dirt particles, allergens and dust mites from your rugs.

Another useful component is the wand extension piece for the vacuum hose. This component allows you to reach under furniture and vacuum near walls and corners. The want extension is also use full for vacuum small areas of your rug.

It may be useful to have different suction sections on your vacuum cleaner. Rugs that are older and have brittle pile need a low suction setting to prevent damage from the vacuum. Silk rugs also require a gentle clean to prevent breakage of the rug material.

Vacuuming your rug is the first part of rug maintenance. However, your rugs need to be sent out to a professional rug cleaner once a year. There are several Toronto rug cleaning services available to assist you with your rug cleaning needs. Professional rug cleaners have experience with all types of rugs and they will give your rugs a thorough deep clean.

Makeup and your rugs

Makeup is a great artistic medium you can use for creative purposes. Makeup up has several applications for esthetic purposes, special effects, and stage makeup. Despite taking precautions makeup stains can happen to your rugs. There are different ways of dealing makeup stains that happen to your rugs.

Powder and other solid makeup spills easy to clean from your rugs. Powder makeup can be cleaned by vacuuming it up from your rug. It’s important to note that powder make up can slowly build up in your rug overtime. It can only be thoroughly removed with professional rug cleaning.

Liquid spill removal depends on if the makeup is oil or water based. Water based makeup can be dabbed with a paper towel and allowed to dry. For larger liquid spills you can apply baking powder to help with the drying process. Once it is dry, the baking powder can be vacuumed up from the rug.

Oil based makeup is more difficult to remove from rugs. The oiled based makeup takes longer to dry. It can be dabbed with a paper towel and it is suggested that you place a cup or container overtop so you don’t step on it accidentally. The rug should be sent out for professional rug cleaning to thoroughly remove any make up.

There are Toronto rug cleaners available to assist you with all your rug cleaning needs. Experienced rug cleaners are able to remove any rug stain without damaging your rug. Your rugs should be cleaned annually with a professional rug cleaner.

Gaming and your rugs

Gaming is a great hobby that usually takes place in your living room. Having the right rugs in your living room can greatly enhance the quality of your gaming experience. Many of use still game while sitting or lying down on rugs. Even if you have a gaming chair, having the right rug can make a difference in the quality of your gaming experience.

It’s common from the living room rug. Since gaming is done for long periods of time the wrong rugs can cause skin irritation. To avoid this you should use rugs with thick and soft textures. Thin and coarse rugs can cause discomfort and reduce the quality of gaming.

Plush rugs can interfere with gaming chairs. The chair might shift and cause friction on the rug and damage rug pile. To avoid this problem these are hard plastic sheets you can place underneath the chair. This protects your rug and keeps your gaming chair in place.

It’s important to maintain a regular vacuuming schedule for your rugs. Most gamers snack on food during brief pauses in their games. Food stains happen and crumbs will settle into your rug. Vacuuming will get most of the dirt out of your rug and prevent attracting pests.    

You should have your rug sent out for professional rug cleaning once a year. There are Toronto rug cleaning services available for all your rug cleaning needs. Expert rugs cleaners can get out most rug stains and give your rugs a deep clean. Get Toronto rug cleaning today.

Furniture arrangement and your rugs

bedroom rugIt’s common to place different types of furniture on your rugs. However, if proper measures aren’t taken you could be damaging your rugs in the process. Furniture exerts mechanical pressure on the rug pile in different ways. Aside from mechanical pressure, shifting furniture can also cause friction.

To prevent damage to rug pile material there are a few simple measures you can take. Getting a shock absorbent under-pad can offset most of the mechanical pressure from your rug. Additionally, a shock absorbent under-pad can keep the rug from slipping out of place. This reduced friction from shifting furniture.

You should rotate the placement of furniture on your rug periodically. Flattened rug pile previously underneath the furniture item should be fluffed and reset to its original pile direction. This allows the pile to breathe and prevents permanent damage from occurring.

Having your rug sent out for annual cleaning can renew flattened pile. Professional rug cleaning thoroughly cleans your rug and also protects rug material. Annual rug cleaning can also mark the appropriate time to change the arrangement of your furniture.

Toronto rug cleaning businesses can assist you with all your rug cleaning needs and concerns. Experienced rug cleaners know how to treat different types of stains from solid or powder spills to liquid based stains.

There are eco-friendly rug cleaning packages so you can clean your rugs without harsh chemicals. This is great for the environment as well as your own health. Get Toronto rug cleaning services today.

Entrance and hallway rugs

welcome rugHaving rugs at the entrance of homes and buildings is important for keeping the area clean. It’s one of the first measures to minimize the amount of dirt that enters the building. It’s essential in places that receive heavy foot traffic and during bad weather conditions. There are also benefits to having hallways and stairway rugs.

For regular office buildings, synthetic rugs with one of fewer dark colours are quite common. The dark colours keep dirt from showing and the synthetic material is easy to clean. Entrance rugs for the home can be more colourful and be of cotton and wool. Synthetic rugs are still recommended for this area for easy cleaning.

The heavy foot traffic an entrance receives makes this area susceptible to high dirt accumulation. Vacuuming your entrance rugs two to three times a week should remove most dust and dirt. However, your entrance rugs need to be sent out for professional rug cleaning once a year.

Toronto rug cleaners are able to assist you with all your rug cleaning needs. Entrance rugs need special care because factors other than dust and dirty water. During the winter months salt, sand and antifreeze can build up and cake into the rug fibers. This needs extra care to get out completely.

Rug cleaning in Toronto often have rug pickup and delivery services to accommodate you. This is helpful if you have a busy schedule or can’t carry heavy rugs yourself. Eco-friendly rug cleaning services are also available to care for the environment.

Sunday 5 February 2017

The Best Rug for your makeup table

There are several types of rugs that go great with your makeup table. Makeup comes in different forms such as powder, solid, and liquid. It can also be water or oil based. It’s important to keep in mind that accidental spills happen and makeup powder can build up overtime on the surrounding area.

Getting a proper rug to go with your makeup table can make prevent permanent stains from happening. Synthetic rugs can handle most makeup spills since the material doesn’t readily absorb liquid spills. Synthetic rugs can also handle surface cleaning with a damp cloth. It may be good to choose a rug with neutral colours so makeup stains and build up won’t show easily.  

It’s also handy to know how to clean up makeup spills. Most powder makeup can be vacuumed up from the rug. Liquid makeup up such as foundation or mascara spills can be dabbed with a paper towel. Water based makeup should be allowed to dry.

It’s important to have your rugs professionally cleaned once a year. Expert rug cleaners will be able to handle all your rug cleaning needs including makeup spills. Professional rug cleaning will thoroughly clean your rug by removing dirt trapped at the base of your rug.

Toronto rug cleaners have pick up and drop off options. This can be handy if you have a busy schedule. Eco-friendly rug cleaning is available in order to take care of the environment and your health. Experienced rug cleaners can handle any makeup messes that have occurred.

Rugs and your puppy

Getting a new puppy for your home is a great investment. If this is your first pet there are a few cleaning and maintenance jobs you should be aware of beforehand. Your rugs in particular need special care to benefit you and your puppy.

Pets like the plush feel of rugs under their feet. Rugs are also an added comfort if you have cold hard floors. As a result your pet is likely to spend more time on your rugs and you need proper rug cleaning.

Synthetic rugs are suggested because they are easy to wash and vacuum. Dogs shed fur and dander that can become trapped into the rug fibers. This is why it is important to vacuum your rugs two to three times a week. Proper vacuuming will also prevent possible allergy irritations.

It is important to get your rugs professionally cleaned once a year. Toronto rug cleaners can give your rug a deep cleaning to remove all the fur and dander. Proper rug cleaning will disinfect rug from any puppy messes that may have happened. Most stains are removable from your rugs.

Eco-friendly rug cleaning is an excellent option for your pet. This way you and your pet won’t be exposed to harsh cleaning chemicals. It’s also beneficial to the environment and if you have plants and young children.

Toronto rug cleaning services often offer rug pickup and delivery services. This is great if you have a busy schedule and if you can’t manage moving you rugs. Call today to arrange your rug cleaning services.

Modern carpets

Is the accessibility of a large variety of materials modern carpets come in many types. In this current age consumers are open to eco-friendly products which can also include rugs. There is also a concern for products that are fairly traded by workers.

There are several popular types of eco-friendly carpet material. Recycled carpet material can come from old rugs, old clothing such as sari’s and even plastic bottles. Carpets made of recycled material use pile and other fabric that is already made.

Most traditional carpet material is already from a natural source. These carpet fiber sources include: cotton, bamboo silk, banana silk, regular silk, wool and even hemp material. Using these natural materials means no harmful chemicals are leeched into the environment during the carpet making process.

Carpet cleaning is also part of being eco-friendly. Rug cleaning is eco-friendly. This cleaning process uses eco-friendly cleaning solutions. The other main part of steam cleaning is the use of pressurized hot water extraction.

Essentially hot water is heated to its boiling point. The water is pressurized and sprayed onto the carpet. The process lifts and removes dirt out of the base of the carpet. The last part of rug cleaning involves the removal of dirty water with a vacuum hose. This prevents the carpet from becoming over-saturated with water.

There are many Toronto rug cleaning services available for all your carpet cleaning needs. Eco-friendly rug cleaning packages are available to help protect the environment as well as your own health.      

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Common Rug problems

Rugs get a lot of use and are subjected to different pressures. Overtime they will show wear and tear. There are several common problems that can occur and there are simple solutions to dealing with them.

The edge of your rug may start curling in sections subjected to high foot traffic. This also can occur due to accidental bends cause by furniture. Once solution is to arrange furniture at the   edges of the rug, to keep it in place. The curling edges can be bent in the opposite direction for a few seconds to reshape the edge into its proper direction.

Another common problem is when the rug bunches. This is likely to occur when the rug is placed on a slippery surface such as tiles and wood. Having a correct under-pad under the rug can keep the rug in place and prevent shifting.

Your rug may acquire an unpleasant odor. Overtime smells can occur because of dirt or bacteria. The odor can be managed by using a solution of vinegar and water. Spray a fine mist of this on your rug and allow it to dry.

Your rug will benefit from annual rug cleaning with a professional rug cleaner. Toronto rug cleaners can assist you with all your rug cleaning needs. Professional rug cleaning can reset rug pile into in the original direction of the material. Rug cleaning will also remove acquired smells caused by dirt and bacteria. Expert rug cleaning also protects rug material from damage.