Some smells are obvious but others are very slight. To test if your rug is emitting a smell, it should be noticeable when you crouch near you rug. Another way to test is by rubbing a paper towel on a section of the rug and examining it.
Rugs smells are commonly caused by bacteria. Bacteria can be from dirty socks and feet. They can also accumulate if food crumbs and other stains happen to the rug. Bacteria usually emit a sour smell. This can be managed by not eating on the rug and not placing it where people change their shoes.
Musty rug odors come from dust and possible mould. Mould occurs when there is excess moisture and not enough air circulations. The damp conditions cause optimal conditions for mould. To prevent mould invest in an air filter that controls the amount of humidity in the air.
Musty smells can occur because of dirt that has settled into the rug. It could be a sign that your rugs are ready for annual cleaning with a rug care professional. Toronto rug cleaning can handle all your rug cleaning needs. Their professional rug cleaning methods will thoroughly clean your rug so that no odor remain with it.
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