Friday 11 November 2016

Rug maintenance at home

Rugs eventually take on dirt, dust and dander over the course of a year. For this reason they should be sent out to a professional rug cleaner annually. There are professional rug cleaning services in Toronto to assist with that. Aside from this annual cleaning for you rug weekly maintenance should be done as well. Properly maintaining your rug can be done with a few simple steps.

A weekly vacuuming routine should be done for your rug. This gets rid of dirt that has accumulated during the week. This also prevents dust mites from settling into your rug and causing allergy symptoms. Rugs should be cleaned slowly with a vacuum at least twice over each section of your rug. Vacuums should come with a brush roll feature in order pick of more dust and pick up hair and fur from the rug fibers.

In addition to this the area under the rug should be cleaned as well. Dust gets stamped out on the underside of the rug due to foot traffic. Your rug should be vacuumed first then rolled up. The floor underneath should be swept and then washed. Once the floor is dry the rug can be rolled back into place.

These simple cleaning steps can improve the lifetime of your rug. Sending out your rug to a professional rug cleaner in Toronto is also a necessity. Rental machines don’t get out all the dirt from your and can over soak the rug fibers. With a professional rug cleaner your rug will come back clean and vibrant.

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