Mechanical stress is the most common damage rugs undergo. Heavy portable machinery will stress rug pile and loosen it. It can set the pile in the wrong direction and flatten it. The rug will take longer to dry and the pile will need additional brushing to set it the right way.
The next common damage is cause by carpets dyes. Many amateur rug cleaners will end up soaking it during the rug cleaning process. Rugs should not be left soaking for extended periods of time as the dyes will come out of the pile. The dye will bleed onto the rest of the rug and the rug will fade because it is loosing colour.
Additionally, the wrong water temperature is often used. Water that is too hot or cold for the rug type will cause dye to bleed and unwanted warping. Due to ineffective machinery water is often undiluted and dyes as well as dirt will return into your carpet. This causes shading and improper cleaning.
Lastly, centrifuge drying methods can damage pile in your rug. The centrifuge machinery is best used only for synthetic rugs. The method causes friction damage between rug fiber which will cause thinning. It can also cause dye bleeding to spread to entire rug.
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