Wednesday 21 September 2016

Navajo Rugs

Navajo rugs are traditional made rugs from the Navajo Indian tribe. These wool rugs have been a heritage tradition that has been passed down through the ages. These rugs are made with a loom and hand weaving techniques. Many people don’t know that the tradition started off as clothing and blankets. The theme changed with the demand for items to decorate homes.

The rugs material is thin and moderately heavy. The wool material is wear resistant and has been found well in tact in archaeological digs. Many of these rugs gets passed down over the generations as well. The reason for this is the high lanolin concentration found in the wool material.

Lanolin occurs naturally in sheep wool and acts as a shock absorber to mechanical pressure. It also acts as a natural lubricant. However, the downside of this is that it makes it difficult to clean. Harsh cleaning solutions will remove the lanolin oil from the material. For regular cleaning the rug needs to be hand washed.

Professional rug cleaning services can provide lanolin oil restoration and moth prevention. It is recommended that professional rug be done once a year. This will give your rug a gentle deep cleaning and preserve its quality.

Other caring methods are to invest in a shock absorbing under pad for your rug. Your rug should be vacuumed once a week on a low suction setting. The rug shouldn’t have furniture on it to prevent wearing. The rug shouldn’t be in direct sunlight or near air ducts. Turn the rug over twice a year to stretch the rug fibers.

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